Warrnambool's Yolanda Bennoun moved to Warrnambool in 1955 when her husband Maurice was employed to run the canteen at the Fletcher Jones factory.

Mrs Bennoun recalls Sir Fletcher asking how she kept her children so clean, when he was visiting her husband at home.

"We were living in a former stable Sir Fletcher had done up for us when we moved to Warrnambool, before we bought our own home," she said.

"I told him I don't let them out, he 'asked why not' and I said 'have a look at the yard'.

"He looked around, and the yard was just dirt.

"The next day workers from the factory came and made a road, and put grass in the middle, and a set of swings. The next day.

"Maurice ran the kitchen at Fletcher Jones until the old man (Sir Fletcher) left, then he said 'I am not staying'."


Story as recorded by Rob Gunstone of the Warrnambool Standard at the FJ Living Museum event held in the Fletcher Jones Gardens on December 8th, 2019.  


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Photographic portrait of Yolanda Bennoun by Christine Ansorge from her Nonagenarian exhibition held at the F Project Gallery in August/September 2019.
Photographic portrait of Yolanda Bennoun by Christine Ansorge from her Nonagenarian exhibition held at the F Project Gallery in August/September 2019.